
A Nikon camera with a large lens is positioned on a dark surface on the left side of the image. On the right, there is a person dressed in an elaborate historical costume with a pink and white dress and matching headpiece standing in a corridor with arches.

Nikon Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR: The Best All-Purpose Lens I’ve Ever Used

When Nikon announced a new Nikon Z 28-400mm f/4-8 VR in March, I didn’t get very excited. After all, lenses that attempt to cover an extreme range of focal lengths (“all-in-one”) tend to suffer from distortion at their widest and longest and lose sharpness at the long end.

Covering the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl Journey, From Ecstasy to Horror

While I photograph the Kansas City Chiefs' home games during the season, I don’t go along if they make the playoffs or Super Bowl. But that doesn’t mean I’m finished doing assignments involving them. This year, for instance, I was hired to cover their departure from Kansas City to Las Vegas, then the big downtown watch party the night of the game, and finally the victory parade and celebration that went from ecstatic to horrific.

How I Survived Shooting One of the Coldest NFL Games Ever

After I posted photos from Saturday’s Chiefs vs. Dolphins sub-zero NFL playoff game, I received a lot of messages. Some were from people asking how I was able to stay warm, and the rest were from photographers who all asked the same question: “How did you keep your hands warm?” Short answer? I wasn’t able to keep my fingers warm, but I was able to maintain feeling in them.

One Lens Plus Two Teleconverters Equals One Amazing Safari

Quick question: what’s the best lens for photographing wildlife at different distances? A telephoto zoom, of course, because then you can zoom for the focal length and framing you want. But if that’s true, then why did I take a fixed telephoto with me on the safari I just led to Africa? Because, paired with two teleconverters and one camera feature, it actually gave me MORE focal lengths to work with. Let me explain…

The Nikon Z9’s ‘Pre-Release’ Feature Makes Lightning Triggers Obsolete

If you’ve ever tried to photograph lightning during the daytime, you know it’s almost impossible. By the time you press the shutter button, it’s gone. That’s why lightning triggers, while no guarantee of success, exist. But the addition of the new “Pre-release” feature in the Nikon Z9 mirrorless camera now makes those triggers obsolete. It guarantees success, as I found out last week.

How to Turbocharge Your Photography Workflow

I recently heard a photographer say he’d spent 17 hours going through 10,000 images, deciding which ones were worth saving. My first thought was, “I hope he’s retired.” My second thought, though, was that he badly needed a lesson on speeding up his workflow. Which led me to write this guide on how to turbocharge your photography workflow.

A Photographer’s Kit for Getting Out of a Creative Rut

For photographers, creativity is the difference between a nice photo and a NICE photo. But what happens if you’re not feeling very creative? That’s when I like to dive into what I call my “photographer’s creative kit,” a bunch of different things to try.

Thoughts on the Nikon Z9 by Someone Who Has Used Every Nikon DSLR

In all my years in photography, I don’t think any camera has had as much buzz leading up to its release as the Nikon Z9. There were many reasons for that, both good and bad, but now that the camera’s here, does it live up to the hype? After one week of using it, I think so.