
Photos of Tiny Underwater Creatures Glowing Like Jewels of the Sea

Japanese photographer Ryo Minemizu sometimes spends up to 8 hours underwater in a single day, keeping his body as motionless as possible while pointing his camera and lens at tiny marine organisms. His photos of glowing sea life are part of a new exhibition titled Jewels in the Night Sea.

Beautiful Photographs of Microscopic Plankton that Look Like Photos of Outer Space

When you look at the photographs in her series Into the Umbra, photographer Julia Bennett wants you to think you're looking at outer space. And then, just as your mind is struggling to expand to encompass the far reaches of the solar system where the image was captured, that's when she wants you to realize that you're looking at something you could find in any old liter of Sea Water.

Her images weren't captured with a telescope peering into the heavens, but a microscope that peers into the micro worlds inside droplets of seawater.