
We Found a Fly Inside a Weather-Sealed Lens

I've been blogging about testing and taking apart camera equipment for almost a decade. My company, LensRentals, has many thousand of lenses these days, and they all get used frequently. When you have lots of lenses and they get used frequently, stuff gets inside them.

GoPro Captures What It’s Like to Be Hunted by a Bald Eagle, Gets Taken for a Ride

Ever wonder what a small mammal sees in its last moments of life before a bald eagle (we'll call it: 'Murica) swoops down out of nowhere and snatches it away? We're sure that question haunts your every waking moment, but it doesn't have to anymore, because 'Murica finally joined the many other animals who've taken a liking to GoPros they find lying around.

Overhead Photos of Various Spaces

What would various indoor spaces look like if you were a fly on a ceiling? Photographer Menno Aden answers that question with his photo series titled "Room Portraits". He shoots from an interesting overhead perspective, capturing everything from bedrooms to dentist offices.