
Nokia Teases Next Lumia’s Photo Powers, Shows Large Lens and Serious Flash

Last Friday, Nokia launched its new Lumia 928 smartphone that has a strong emphasis on photography. The device features PureView technology, optical image stabilization, a Carl Zeiss lens, and a xenon flash.

It was exciting news for photo-lovin' Nokia fans, but sit tight: there's more to come. Nokia will reportedly have a major launch event tomorrow to unveil a phone that has some serious photography chops.

Fujifilm Mirrorless Camera System Will Pack “Premium” Sensor, Not M4/3

The Fuji Guys sent out a tweet today saying that the company's upcoming interchangeable lens mirrorless camera will not have a Micro Four Thirds sensor inside:

X Series Interchangeable lens system not = M4/3 nor current mirrorless cams. X series will be "premium" cameras!

From what's being said, it sounds like the company is focusing on sensor size and image quality -- good news for serious photographers. People have been begging for an X100-style camera with interchangeable lenses since that camera was announced, and Fujifilm likely isn't ignorant of that fact.