
Moving 1.5 Million Photos from an Old Drobo to a New QNAP NAS

Back in February of this year, I began making a huge transition from the Drobo NAS system (now out of business) to the newer and far superior QNAP system. Back then I had just installed the two new NAS systems but had not moved any data.

Drobo Alternatives

The Best Drobo Alternatives in 2024

Drobo, one of the most popular brands for storage among photographers, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. While this doesn't mean the brand will disappear, it might be time to look for an alternative option just in case.

Storage 101: Do I Really Need a Drobo as a Photographer?

The Drobo is a wish list item for many photographers, but do you really need one? A few years ago, the compelling reason to buy one was to have more storage than a single drive could provide at the time. But with 10TB external drives available for ~$179, having a lot of storage in a single drive is a lot easier and a lot less expensive.

My Bad Experience with Drobo as a Wedding Photographer

I hate it when I see photographers writing articles like this. I always think, "why bother?… just let it go, this isn’t going to change anything." But here I am anyway, tapping away to release some of this pent up anger. And I don’t expect this to change anything for me, but I sincerely hope it can stop at least one other person making the same mistake I did: buying a Drobo.