
Shooting Hockey Player Portraits from Below, Through Plexiglass

Ever since joining the San Jose Sharks two years ago, I’ve looked for different ways to photograph hockey and showcase our athletes. There was one specific photo that I had been thinking about for a while. The concept would be to create a photo from below the ice, as if looking up at a Sharks player inside SAP Center.

Find Momo: A Canine ‘Where’s Waldo’ in the Real World

Here's a creative project by visual artist Andrew Knapp and his puppy (all dogs are puppies... no matter how old) Momo. Remember those 'Where's Waldo' books that used to keep you unendingly entertained and frustrated in the waiting room of your local doctors office as a kid?

A Game of Hide and Seek Through The Eyes of a Toddler

Photographers and cinematographers are infamous (or maybe just famous) for using their children to create sometimes moving, sometimes cute, but always creative photo and video projects. Take, for example, Dutch photographer Frans Hofmeester's time lapse of his daughter from birth to age 12.

SnapFocus: An Innovative Follow Focus With Bicycle Brake Levers

Filmmaker Brandon Davis Cole's interesting take on the traditional follow focus does something that few, if any, products have ever thought to do -- integrate bicycle technology into DSLR cinematography. Cole essentially reinvented the follow focus. By instituting a "brake lever" system, the SnapFocus allows cinematographers to keep their camera steady and pull focus quickly and easily to wherever it's needed, all without ever moving your hands from the SnapFocus handles.

Twig is a USB Cable that Doubles as a Tabletop Tripod

Here's an interesting product idea by Oregon-based designer Jason Hilbourne that combines a charging cable and a mini-tripod into an easy-to-use, pocket-sized device. His project, dubbed Twig, is specific to the iPhone and has already gotten quite a bit of attention. With 56 days to go the Twig has already secured $64,000 in funding -- putting it a whopping $14,000 past its goal. But more-so than its iPhone functionality, for us the intriguing thing is to see if anyone takes this idea and runs with it, creating similar products for compact cameras.