
Watch a Colorblind Landscape Photog See in Full Color for the First Time

Canadian landscape photographer David Wilder has a type of colorblindness that makes it difficult to tell certain colors apart. He recently got his hands on a pair of special glasses designed for colorblind people, and he shot this 7-minute video that captured his reaction to seeing in full color for the first time in his life.

Are You Colorblind, and How Good is Your Color Vision?

In this article, we're going to briefly look at the subjectivity of color. This is a colossal subject, but I wanted to share some of my thoughts on how color is perceived by each of us and whether it's really that important.

What It’s Like to be a Colorblind Photographer

I am colorblind. And I am a photographer. In my particular case, and in the majority of those that are "color challenged", being colorblind doesn't actually mean we cannot see colors. Or at least, without borrowing your eyes and brain for a while and comparing what we see, I don't believe this to be the case.

Confessions of a Colorblind Photographer

I’m colorblind.

There it is, I said it. I’ve been holding it back for years, before I even knew I wanted to be a photographer and it feels good to put it out there. I’ve told exactly two photographers about my handicap before tonight but I feel like its time to put it out there publicly. I was ashamed of it but I’m not anymore. It’s part of who I am.

Online Simulator Shows You What Photos Look Like to People With Color Blindness

Approximately 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women suffer from some form of color blindness. Given those statistics, it might not be a bad idea for photographers to occasionally consider how their work is being viewed by those who can't see the entire spectrum. And right on cue, a new online simulator from Etre is here to help.