Aura Debuts 9×12-inch Connected Digital Photo Frame
Aura, known for its Wi-Fi-connected digital picture frames, has announced a new wall-mountable display and an app update.
Aura, known for its Wi-Fi-connected digital picture frames, has announced a new wall-mountable display and an app update.
According to some spiritual beliefs, an aura, sometimes called an energy field, is an atmosphere or quality surrounding something, often a person or other living thing.
Viktor Falendysh, a Phoenix, Arizona-based photographer and film enthusiast, has announced the AuRA Rotary Assist Film Developing Machine on Kickstarter. The AuRA is touted as a simple yet powerful developing machine, especially for films that have a long processing time, since it handles the timing and rotation of the films to ensure consistently good results.
"I get it digital picture frames are dead, uninteresting things that we all tried and left on the wayside with fax machines and 8-track tapes," wrote Aura founder Abdur Chowdhury a few days ago. "But what if they weren’t?"
"The Portrait Machine Project" by Carlo Van de Roer consists of new-age portraits taken with a controversial camera called the AuraCam, a modified Polaroid camera that supposedly shows what psychics see when they look at people.