
Photographer Files $1 Million Defamation Suit Against Couple After Album Cover Fracas

Remember the story of Andrea Polito, the photographer who was publicly accused by a couple of holding their wedding photos hostage until they paid an extra $150 fee for a cover for their album?

It came to light afterward that the couple may have intentionally gone to the media with their story in order to destroy Polito and her business, and the photographer is now suing the couple for defamation, seeking up to $1 million in damages for the damage they did.

The Importance of Contracts: Wedding Photog in a Dispute Over Album ‘Cover’ Charge

Update: There are new developments in this story. Please see below.

There's a dispute going on over in Texas that shows the importance of getting your contracts right as a photographer. A pair of Dallas newlyweds are going public with their disagreement with wedding photographer Andrea Polito over an album "cover" charge that Polito is asking for -- a charge that doesn't specifically show up in the contract.