Everyone is Sharing Hilariously Bad Stock Photos of Their Jobs

Stock photos generally aren’t the best at showing realistic views of what different jobs are like, but sometimes they’re hilariously inaccurate. People have recently taken to social media to point out the worst offenders, and the new viral hashtag #BadStockPhotosOfMyJob has been a solid source of laughs.

IFLScience reports that the hashtag began among scientists, but the hashtag has since spread beyond that realm and into all kinds of job fields.

Here’s a sampling of stock photos being lampooned with #BadStockPhotosOfMyJob:

How to Work with DNA

Teaching Nothing is a Serious Thing

Laughing at Life’s Silly Details

How to Really Focus on Coding

How to See if Trees are Healthy

How to Celebrate a Successful Pelvic Exam

The Theory of Everything

You Can’t Be Too Careful with Dry Ice

The Law of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Teambuilding Through Meetings

The Proper Attire for Research

Because Plants Are Scary

What is Space, Anyway?

That Dangerous Blue Liquid

Understanding the Secrets of the Brain

You can follow along with the hashtag #BadStockPhotosOfMyJob yourself by doing a search for it on Twitter.
