Why You Shouldn’t Be a Photographer

Visual artist Simon Cade of DSLRguide created this 2.5-minute video that can give some inspiration and encouragement to you if you’re photographer (or any other type of artist) who’s feeling defeated and unsure of whether or not to push forward in your craft.

“Here’s what I’ve realized,” Cade says. “There are just too many reasons not to be an artist.”

After exploring different struggles and insecurities about being an artist, and the different things that voice of doubt in your head might be telling you, Cade reaches a hopeful note.

“One day I’d like to be as carefree as a child painting a page with delight,” concludes Cade. “Because kids don’t worry themselves with the reasons why not. They throw paint at the page just to see what the colors do. Because, why not?”
