Sunset Self Portraits with Cardboard Silhouettes
“Sunset Selfies” is a project by photographer John Marshall of Frye Island, Maine, who photographers silhouettes of himself posing with creative cardboard cutouts.
“Today, I was enjoying a sunset banana down by the lake when the most amazing thing happened,” Marshall writes of the photo above. “All of a sudden, this warm breeze started blowing across my neck and it smelled just like bananas too.”
“The cutouts don’t look like much at first,” he says. “They’re rough, held together by duct tape. But when they’re backlit, all their imperfections fall away. I’m always surprised by what I get.” The shapes look “lousy” when seen in the light:
Marshall works professionally as a writer, so this photo project is something that lets him escape that world for little periods of time… “like being a kid again.”
Here are some other photos in the series:

When Mars House of Pizza says “WE DELIVER ANYWHERE,” they mean it.

Text: The problem with Troll Haircut Day is the brutal monotony of it all.
“Tapered to a point?” I asked for the 74th time.

Enough with the begging. This is why you do not feed pets at the table.

I can’t think of a better way to wind down at the end of the day then with a little Rhino Ring Toss. For anyone interested: All you need is a rhinoceros and a ring and you’re good to go.

When I finally got up the nerve to approach the beautiful mermaid down on the beach, a friend suggested I bring her a bouquet of roses. But I had a better idea.

For anyone who has ever wondered if their horse would make a good kayak partner…I wouldn’t count on it. Mine didn’t pick up his paddle once.

When the grizzly bear said he had a frog in his throat, I didn’t know I’d need to reach in and rescue it.

I was about to tell the waiter about the big fly in my soup when my date cleared her throat. “Are you gonna eat that?” she asked.

“In the yoga world, we call this the Standing Tree Pose,” I said.
“Oh. In the flamingo world, we call this standing,” the flamingo replied.

While I was watching the sunset tonight, I couldn’t stop blinking. “Hey. Do I have something in my eye?” I asked Keith, my chameleon friend.
“Yeah,” Keith said. “It’s a bug.”
“Can you get it out?” I asked.
You can find more photos and follow along with the project on its official Facebook page.
Image credits: All photographs by John Marshall and used with permission