How to Make Cheap DIY Reflectors From Silver Bead Foam Boards

Whether you are shooting outside or in a studio, reflectors help you make sure that light is hitting your subject exactly how you want it. Typically, reflectors will have a silver side and a white side for varying intensities of light — they can also cost quite a bit of money. This short video by photographer JP Morgan of The Slanted Lens shows how you can go with a cheaper DIY solution.

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For your materials, you’ll need to head over to your local hardware stores and pick up some silver bead foam boards. Morgan then recommends cutting them 2×2 feet, but you may have to play around with the size depending on your own needs. Just remove the silver coating from one of the boards and glue them both together, so you have silver on one side and blank white on the other. Finish up by sealing them together with gaff tape.

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Watch the video above for the full step-by-step guide. Morgan estimates that this entire setup should only cost you $8 to $10, depending on where you shop.
