Aerial Photographs of London Glowing at Night
After photographing a number of US cities at night through the open door of a helicopter, photographer Vincent Laforet has taken his Air project across the pond to shoot aerial shots of European cities. His first stop: London.
“I find them simply mesmerizing. And this was the biggest surprise and discovery of this particular city. The LACK of a rectilinear grid can be just as beautiful as perfectly linear streets.”
Laforet shot these photos out of a helicopter at 6,000 feet using a Canon 1D X.
Here’s a behind-the-scenes video showing how this London shoot was done:
You can find Laforet’s entire set of London Air photos over on Storehouse. Pre-orders for Laforet’s upcoming Air photo book can be placed here. This Air Series in Europe project is sponsored by G-Technology.
We’ve previous shared his nighttime photos of New York City and Las Vegas.
Laforet says he’s planning to shoot Berlin and Paris within the next two weeks.
Image credits: Photographs by Vincent Laforet and used with permission