Moments In Time: An Inspiring 1-Minute Photo Essay for Photographers
Photographer and Lightroom expert Jeff Hirsch created this 1-minute photo essay titled “Moments in Time” about the ephemeral nature of our daily lives, and the task of capturing fleeting moments with your camera as a photographer. It’s a combination of 99 words and 550 photos in 60 seconds.
There are fleeting moments that define our experience in this life. Moments in time that are ephemeral and transient. Moments that touch us for the remainder of our days. Moments that pass before our helpless eyes and escape our grasping desire to possess them.
I stalk these moments with a hungry mind and fix them with my gaze. I lay in wait to catch that singular instance of existence — not before, not after, but just then. I have the power to stop time in its tracks, to seize the frozen moment and hold it fast. I am a photographer.
Hirsch says he created the video as a submission to the Short Photo Essay Competition held every February by the St. Louis Camera Club.