Fujifilm Will Reportedly Launch Professional Services in the US Next Year


If you’re a professional photographer using Fujifilm camera equipment and have been envious of Canon and Nikon’s professional service departments, take heart: you may soon have top tier support and services starting next year.

The news comes courtesy of FujiRumors, who heard from an anonymous source that the new “pro photographer service” will be in the same vein as Canon Professional Services (CPS) and Nikon Professional Services (NPS).

Photographer Rick Lewis left a comment saying he heard the same thing from a service technician:

I think I can confirm this (100%). I spoke with a Fuji USA service tech last month about a fix for the X-T1 D-pad issue and he said no fix yet but the good news is a Fujifilm Pro Services department in 2015. He said it was coming, not maybe it was coming. I actually made him say it twice! :-) Very good news!!

Among the services that may be offered are: 24/7 phone and email support, expedited and discounted maintenance and repairs, loads for testing out gear, on-site support at major events, discounts on education, and more. Get ready for… FPS?

Update: Here’s some (potentially) new information sent in by an anonymous source:

Fujifilm will be rolling out FPS internationally next year in selected countries. Users will be able to pay a small fee to receive service and loan privileges. It’s expected to (will) be cheaper than Canon or Nikons professional service.

Image credits: Photograph by Makoto Satsukawa
