The Selfie Brush: New Heights for the Brush Industry, New Lows for Humanity


Give the Selfie Brush its due, it is probably the first substantial improvement in brushing technology since those gooey, gel-filled handles. Unfortunately, it’s also a brush — a vanity object in and of itself — that is built to facilitate instant post-brush selfie taking…

No, it’s not April 1st, and yes we wish it was. The fact of the matter is, this thing is real. Part brush, part selfie-designed iPhone case, the Selfie Brush eliminates that pesky problem of having to: Step 1 – Put down your brush; Step 2 – Pick up your phone; Step 3 – Take a selfie.

I know, we all have this problem. Imagine the time saved now that you can slide your phone directly INTO your brush and snap away the moment grooming is complete.


And that’s not even half the convenience this puppy offers up. You can text mid brush, there’s access to the volume buttons so you can listen to music, and the headphone port is also accessible.

Consider our faces sufficiently palmed, and if you’d like to find out more about the brush or pick one up for $20 in either pink, black or violet, head over to the Selfie Brush website.

(via Digital Trends)
