Not All Bokeh is Created Equal, DigitalRev Explains Why

Defined by Google as, “the visual quality of the out-of-focus areas of a photographic image, especially as rendered by a particular lens,” Bokeh is a term that has become much more prominent in the past ten years or so than ever before, thanks to the photography community.

But while many believe bokeh is best achieved by focusing on the subject close to the camera and keeping the background at a great distance, Kai from DigitalRev uses the above video to show you why that’s far from the only determining factor.


He explains that while that approach will give you more bokeh, it doesn’t mean it will give you better bokeh, and then goes on to share some tips and tricks that are very useful, particularly for the beginner photographer who just picked up their first large aperture lens.

Coming in at four and a half minutes, the video combines Kai’s always-entertaining presentation along with plenty of helpful information, so press play and then let us know what you think in the comments down below.
