Photogs Take Note: A Blood Moon Eclipse is Set to Take Place Early on April 15th
Update on 12/16/21: This video has been removed by its creator.
On April 15th, a rather rare astronomical event is taking place: the “blood moon.” While technically nothing more than a lunar eclipse, this particular event will the first of four lunar eclipses to happen over the course of the next two years.
The lunar eclipse can be seen without any additional optics, but when a pair of binoculars — or even better, a telescope — are used the event is made that much more grandiose.
The NASA video above from USA Today details exactly what happens during a blood moon, so if you’re wanting to know what exactly it is before you consider photographing the event, give it a quick watch.
We’ve also shared plenty of lunar eclipse articles that you can reference, from an incredible time-lapse of the event to a composition of it taking place over the historic Acropolis in Athens, Greece.
So read up on when you’ll be able to see the event take place, get your gear ready, and get shooting. And if you don’t end up with something you like this time, don’t worry… Mother Nature is giving you three more chances over the next two years.
Image credits: Blood Moon 28th Aug 2007 by Peter Gaylard