80% of People Think They Take Excellent Photos, Study Finds


The saying goes that “you are your own worst critic,” but when it comes to photography, a Canon photo trends study finds that the old adage simply doesn’t track. In fact, the vast majority of people think their photography is ‘good to excellent.’

This somewhat funny finding is just a small part of Canon’s inaugural “2016 Photography Trends Study,” which asked 1,004 US adults a series of questions between April 21st and 26th. Their responses revealed a few key points:

1. We all think we take good pictures: 80 percent of consumers rated their own photography skills as good to excellent, and 62 percent say their photography has improved in the past two to five years.

2. Printing may be on the rise: 64 percent of those surveyed said they are “likely or somewhat likely” to print their photos.

3. We take a LOT of photos: 24 percent of those surveyed said they are taking over 300 photos per month.

4. Pet photos are more popular than the selfie: 59 percent of those surveyed take photos of their pets, while only 57 percent take selfies.

5. Food photos aren’t going anywhere: Over half of those surveyed admitted they take photos of their food, and 27 percent said they do it to brag and give their friends FOMO (fear of missing out).


Of course, with a sample size of only 1,000 people, the results should be taken with a grain of salt. But if you want to read all of the results and chuckle (or shake your head) at some of the quirkier responses, click here.

(via Digital Trends)
