Portraits of the Same Dogs Across Several Years


If you’re a dog lover, photographer Amanda Jones has a photo project that will tug at your heartstrings. After photographing 30 different dogs as puppies years ago, she revisited them and captured what they look like as older dogs. The before-and-after portraits, a series titled “Dog Years,” show how dog’s have a unique spark of personality that lasts a lifetime.

Here are some of the portraits in the collection:

Briscoe at 1 Year and 10 Years

Dog Years_Briscoe_1year


Abigale at 4 Months and 8 Years

Dog Years_Abigale_4months


Maddie and Elle at 7/6 Years and 14/13 Years

Dog Years_MaddieandElle_7and6years


Lily at 8 Months and 15 Years

Dog Years_Lily_8months

Dog Years_Lily_15years

Fred at 2 Years and 10 Years

Dog Years_Fred_2years


“A dog’s life is a span that marks so much in our lives,” Jones writes. “We get them as puppies and they are cute and goofy… Then we teach them and they learn to behave better (sometimes).”

“The connection over time deepens, and as our dogs age, the tides shift and we tend to learn more from their teachings… Life really is better with a dog by your side.”

This project has been published as a new photo book titled Dog Years: Faithful Friends Then & Now, which can be purchased from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Image credits: Photographs from “Dog Years: Faithful Friends, Then & Now” by Amanda Jones, published by Chronicle Books and used with permission.
