35mm or 50mm: Deciding On Your First Prime
In one of those rare more-informative-than-funny Top Gear DigitalRev episodes, Kai tries to help beginners decide what they should buy for their first prime: a nifty 50mm, or a more versatile 35mm.
It’s a question many of us faced when starting out, which of the two to buy? A question complicated a bit by crop factor, that basically makes you 35mm into a 56mm and your 50mm into an 80mm.
And while DRTV doesn’t actually get into the crop factor of it all, they do address the most important pros and cons of each focal length.
From price (50 wins that one hands down), to versatility (definitely goes to the 35), to bokehliciousness (50 take it), check out the video above to see which lens best fits the kind of shooting you intend to do.