These Photographs of Parisian Rooftops Look Like Abstract Paintings
Despite living in one of the most photographed locations on earth, Michael Wolf has never been short of creative, unique ideas. Be it photographing street view scenes or, in this case, showing off his incredible composition skill with photographs of Parisian rooftops that look like two-dimensional, abstract paintings.
Wolf has always been fascinated by photographing life in major cities. When he lived in Hong Kong, he raised eyebrows by photographing people through their high-rise apartment windows without knowledge or consent.
Now in Paris, Wolf’s photography is still architectural, although far less controversial in nature. Paris Abstract explores the rooftops of densely packed Parisian neighborhoods, photographed with everything in focus so that the viewer finds him or herself lost in the geometry of these buildings, wondering if it’s reality or a painting they are looking at:
To learn more about the Paris Abstract series, head over to the Robert Koch Gallery website (or visit it in person between now and September 6th if you happen to live in San Francisco). And if you’d like to see more of Wolf’s work, check out our previous coverage or head over to his website by clicking here.
(via Colossal)
Image credits: Photographs by Michael Wolf and used with permission