Curious Self-Portraits of a Photographer Balancing On His Head

UK-based photographer Caulton Morris is a dude with a very strong head and neck. At least that’s the conclusion we came to after seeing his photo series titled Upside, which consists of photo after quirky photo of Morris standing on his head — literally. The “trick” behind these surreal images is that there is no trick — Morris actually did the precarious poses you see in each one.

Here’s what Morris tells us about the series:

It’s a very simple project. I literally just take the shots on the spur of the moment with very little, if any preparation. It’s all about play. I go out with my camera not knowing what will happen. I play around and usually end up with a unexpected result. My thinking is that if I have fun taking the shot then people might have fun looking at it! Simple! It’s a form of therapy too. People are often surprised to hear this but I normally go out and take these shots when I’m depressed! It’s uplifting to me to explore creation and find the unexpected in the everyday.

On a technical note: these were mostly shot on a used Canon 5D with the cheap 50mm f/1.8. I prop the camera up on whatever I have available… Shampoo bottles, rocks, shoes, etc. Less kit helps bring about more interesting and unexpected events. Comfort and control kill the little creativity I have!

Could head-standing be the new planking? For the sakes of heads and necks around the world, we hope not!

Image credits: Photographs by Caulton Morris and used with permission
