
DSLR Gear No Idea: Videos Poking Fun at Clueless DSLR Users

Sony Australia is trying its hand at some viral marketing for its mirrorless cameras. The company has created a YouTube account called DSLR Gear No Idea, which contains a number of very short videos that poke fun at clueless DSLR users. The description of the channel reads:

These are the DSLR clueless - all the gear and no idea. Remind you of someone? Share it with them using the 'share' button. To find out more visit

Each of the videos (apart from the lengthier compilation above) runs about 15 seconds and features a different stereotype. "F-Stop Fusspot" mocks the portrait photographer who's constantly changing settings on a camera he doesn't understand. "The Flasher" pokes fun at those who insist on using their flash in any and every situation.