
Watch: Strong Winds Create ‘Reverse Waterfalls’ in Australia

Did you know there's such a thing as a "reverse waterfall"? Perhaps more appropriately called a water rise, the phenomenon is caused when extremely high winds batter a cliff face, and it happened over the weekend at Royal National Park just outside Sydney, Australia.

Photos of a Natural Ice Circle Spinning in a River

Photographer Kaylyn Messer was browsing Facebook recently when she learned that there was a large ice circle in the river close to her home. She grabbed her camera, jumped into her car, found the circle, and shot a series of beautiful photos.

Photographer Captures Light Pillars in the Icy Night Sky

Photographer Timothy Joseph Elzinga was woken up by his 2-year-old at 1:30 a.m. last Friday when he noticed what looked like colorful auroras dancing in the night sky. After shooting a beautiful set of photos of what he saw, he learned that it was actually a phenomenon called "light pillars."

Photog Captures Two Spectacular Natural Phenomena in the Same Time-Lapse

Earlier this month, photographer Maciej Winiarczyk captured a rare and beautiful celestial light show. While shooting a time-lapse in Caithness, Scotland, he was treated to not one but two stunning natural phenomena when his camera captured noctilucent clouds and the aurora borealis at the same time.