
Playing with Macro Photography at the Kitchen Sink

Here's a quick, easy idea for something you can try in your kitchen with a macro lens. Yesterday as I was doing the dishes, the water stream hit an egg cup and bounced up in a concentrated jet, splashing water up all over me.

My 8 Best Tips for Flower Photography

Freehand flower photography out in nature (or your own neighborhood) is one of my favorite photography genres. In this article and the 8-minute video above, I will give you my 8 best tips for flower photography in the wild.

Fixing the Bad Grip on Sony’s Mirrorless Cameras

Sony's a7 and a9 series of mirrorless cameras have a bad reputation for their grip ergonomics, and rightly so. I love my Sony a7 III and it's still the best camera on the market for my particular needs, but the grip just isn't anywhere near as good as what you find on a pro DSLR.

6 Reasons You Need a 135mm f/2 Lens

Image quality, weight and value for money. We have come to accept that most lenses are strong in only one or two of these three factors, which I personally focus on when researching lenses to buy. Sometimes though, we stumble upon a great lens design which is strong in all three.

Buying a Used DSLR Kit for $80: Here’s What You Get for the Money

Cameras and lenses are expensive. Really expensive. Even the cheapest entry-level DSLR kit today costs $500 or more. But what if you buy the cheapest possible used DSLR? A camera that's over 10 years old? How would it stack up against today's modern cameras? I was curious about this, so I decided to find out for myself.

10 Macro Photo Tips for Beginners

In this article, I'll be sharing 10 macro photography tips for beginners who are just starting out in the genre.

The 7 Commandments for Great Photo Walks

In the last year, I’ve walked probably more than 2,000 miles with my camera. I love photo walks because they are so meditative. There is also great excitement when you get home to look at the photos, to see if you caught any great ones. It adds a dimension of extra beauty and flow to your regular long walks. Here are the seven most important lessons I have learned when it comes to getting the best possible enjoyment and results from your photo walks.

How to Customize the Bokeh in Photos Using a Laser Printer

If you're into photography, chances are that you've seen the tutorials where you are supposed to cut hearts out of paper to get heart-shaped bokeh. I recently decided to try to do this myself. But I soon realized that my scissor skills aren't anywhere near good enough to make nice looking heart shapes... let alone anything more advanced.

High Magnification at a Low Price: How I Built a Super Macro Rig for $230

Last year, I bought a macro lens for the summer. Just a normal one with 1x magnification. I fell into a beautiful and mesmerizing world of minuscule flowers and bugs. I found that in macro photography, you don't have to travel to beautiful places to take beautiful photos -- you can just walk around in your backyard, and discover a whole new world.