
This Layer-Lapse of NYC Combines Different Times of Day in Each Frame

Back in 2014, time-lapse photographer Julian Tryba released a "layer-lapse" of Boston that showed different times of day in different parts of each frame. That video went viral and received over a million views. Now Tryba is back with another layer-lapse, this time of New York City in the 3-minute short film above.

This ‘Layer-Lapse’ is a Trippy Visual Journey Through the American Southwest

A year ago, photographer Julian Tryba was featured by Vimeo after creating a time-lapse of Boston using a technique he dubbed the "layer lapse." Now he's back again with the same concept applied to a different subject matter.

Tryba has spent the past few months traveling, shooting, and editing the 2.5-minute video above, titled "Timeless Dreams." It's a layer-lapse of the American Southwest.

World’s First ‘Layer-Lapse’ Combines Different Times into Each Shot of Boston

A few days ago we featured the work of a photographer who layered different times of day into single photos. Photographer Julian Tryba's recent project is similar, except it's a timelapse.

Tryba has created what he says is the world's first "layer-lapse" video, or a time-lapse video that shows different times of the day in different parts of each frame. The video is called "Boston Layer-Lapse".