
Quicklapse: Capturing 8K Video with a Nikon D800 Using Burst Mode and Interpolation

Director of photography Miguel de Olaso, Macgregor and architectural photographer Art Sanchez have been working on a new technique called the "Quicklapse" that allows them to achieve 8K video with cameras such as the Nikon D800, which is normally limited to 1080p. The trick involves capturing 36.3MP still photos in burst mode and then using interpolation in post to turn the images into real-time footage.

The video above shows an example of what a Quicklapse video looks like (it's at a much lower resolution for web viewing, but the original data was shot at 8K).

Stop-Motion Parkour: A Dizzying Parkour Fight Scene Done Entirely in Stop-Motion

The guys behind the popular YouTube channel Corridor Digital are not Parkour masters. They'll never be captured on camera majestically leaping impossible distances because... well... they can't.

But as you can see from the video above, a little bit of stop-motion photography is all they need to bridge the gap between Parkour amateur, and Parkour master.

Footage of Curiosity’s Descent onto Mars Interpolated to 25 Frames per Second

NASA's Curiosity Rover snapped photographs at 5 frames per second as it descended onto the face of Mars a few weeks ago. The footage that results when the images are combined into a 15 frame per second HD video is pretty amazing, but apparently not amazing enough for a YouTube user named hahahaspam. He spent four straight days taking the 5 fps footage and interpolating it to 25 frames per second. This means that instead of a video showing the choppy landing at 3 times the actual speed, his video shows the landing smoothly and in real time!