
Tips for Growing Your Instagram Account and Getting Featured

As an account owner and admin of a small sized Instagram community page, I thought I would share some tips as both a photographer and an Instagram page admin on how I pick photos to be featured, and what photos tend to do well.

10 Instagram Tips for Photographers

Small pictures can make a big difference in a mobile-driven world.

Quite often other photographers tell me “I don’t have time for another social network and I don’t need Instagram.” Yet they spend hours posting on Facebook, 500px and Flickr where almost zero potential clients will see their work.

How to Use Hashtags on Instagram Properly as a Photographer

I’ve seen a lot of threads and questions online regarding how to increase an Instagram following and get more traffic. But while there are plenty of great articles out there explaining various techniques (i.e. posting times, consistency, engagement, etc.) I haven’t seen a lesson on hashtags.

How 4 Photo Editors Are Using Instagram

Instagram is a powerful tool that professional photographers must take seriously if they want to be discovered via the platform – because just like every other person with a smart phone, photo editors from major publications are on there too. It’s a way to stay top of mind and connected with the photo-editors you’ve previously worked with, and to share work that can catch their eye and could inspire your next assignment.

Five Marketing Tips Courtesy of Instagram

Since its conception almost five years ago, Instagram has single-handedly changed the way individuals and companies represent themselves and interact with clients. Knowing this, and apparently feeling generous, they recently put together five tips for more successful marketing on Instagram that photographers might do well to take note of -- after all, build a solid enough following and you might make $15,000 overnight selling prints...