
The Powerful Lessons Analog Photography Can Teach

Up until recently, most introductory photography classes in colleges and universities still taught students the basics of the medium using film and darkroom processes. These days, though, the majority of schools have transitioned to digital since it is more affordable for students and doesn’t require a lab full of equipment and chemicals. But despite the obvious benefits of digital, analog photography still serves as a valuable tool for learning the medium.

This is How Film Capture and Development Actually Works

While film is appreciated by a growing number of people, how it actually works may be a mystery to most of them. This in-depth video explains the process of film photography and gives an easily digestible breakdown for anyone interested in the medium.

Ilford is Creating a Set of Super Helpful ‘Darkroom Guides’ on YouTube

Over the past seven months, Ilford has been publishing a set of helpful "Darkroom Guides" to the How To playlist on the company YouTube channel. The series was created to help film photographers take their "next steps in your black and white darkroom printing journey." If that describes you, then this is one you'll want to bookmark.

The 5 Best Film Scanners Under $200

Scanning film is probably the least attractive part of shooting film, but that doesn't mean you should neglect this stage. Nowadays, we all want to share our analog images online, and the only way to do that is by digitizing our negatives one way or another.