
This Video Makes Paris Look Like the Fake World of a Movie Set

French travelers and filmmakers Claire & Max have created this new experimental short film titled "Apparences." They shot 4K imagery of Paris using a Panasonic GH4 and 12-28mm lens, and then used clever editing to make the city look like a giant movie set. Real buildings are turned into facades -- fake flat fronts that are propped up with wooden beams.

Nikon F2D: A Homemade Digital Nikon F2 Replica Crafted Out of Wood

When you hear the words "retro camera," you probably think of some kind of silver or black camera crafted decades ago out of solid chunks of metal. But what would a retro camera look like if you kept the design the same but replaced its metal body with wood?

French photo enthusiast Cesar Sebouhian and his father recently decided to find out, and created the gorgeous Nikon "F2D" seen above.

Creepy Portraits Show Subjects with One Head, Two Faces, and Three Eyes

You know those Photoshopped optical illusions that involve combining two photos of a person's face -- one straight on and one looking to the side -- into a single bizarre shot? Quebec, Canada-based photographer Ulric Collette put a spin on that concept with his new portrait series titled "Facade." Instead of using negative space and two completely different angles, Collette had his subjects turn their heads slightly to the side for the second shot, and then merged the two photos together by aligning one eye from each shot.