
Cesar Kuriyama on Documenting His Life with One Second of Video Each Day

Director Cesar Kuriyama received a good bit of attention on the Internet last year for capturing 1 second of video on each day of his 30th year of life, and then turning the snippets into a beautiful recap of his year. The video premiered during a TED talk Kuriyama gave in March. That talk has just been published by TED, and can be seen above.

One Second of Video Every Day in 2012

We've been seeing more and more of this concept lately, but this one is still nicely done: Springfield, Missouri-based photographer Kent Frost created this 6.5-minute recap of his life in 2012 using one second of footage recorded each day. It's titled, "Just a Second."

App To Let You Preserve Your Life with a One-Second Video of Each Day

First, there was a competition, which suggested that one second of video could capture a unique, meaningful moment. Then a young woman from LA used roughly one second of footage per day to document a year in her life. And then finally, Cesar Kuriyama's similar video documenting his frivolous year off work following his 30th birthday went viral.

Apparently, the idea of documenting each day of your life with a one-second video clip has taken off. And following a flurry of "I wanna do that!" comments, Kuriyama has decided to make the process that much easier for others wishing to follow in his and Madeline's footsteps by creating the 1 Second Everyday app.