
This New Atari 2600 Video Game is 8-Bit Astrophotography

What would an 8-bit astrophotography video game be like? That's what astrophotographer and PhD student Alex Pietrow asked, and he ended up creating a new video game called Astronomer for the the Atari 2600, the classic console that was launched back in 1977.

Retrospecs App Transforms Your Photos into Retro Computing Art

Do you yearn for a time when graphics were more pixelated and Betamax still had a chance? At times, we can’t help but to reminisce about late 20th-century technology, which is why we have decided to take a close look at Retrospecs for iOS. This nifty $2 app allows you to quickly transform your favorite pictures into retro computing art with the press of a button. Today, we are taking a look to see if it fulfills our nostalgic desires or gives us the pains of Nintendo’s Virtual Boy.

Magic Lantern Brings Brick Breaker-Style Video Game to the Canon 7D

Lest you think that smartphones have the mobile gaming market all but wrapped up, the folks at Magic Lantern have decided to shake things up a little bit. In the spirit of the old Kodak DSLR that came equipped with Pong, ML's pravdomil has added the ability to play a stripped down version of the old 1980s brick breaker-style game "Arkanoid" on the Canon 7D.

Atari Compugraph Foto: An ASCII Art Photo Booth

Did you know that Atari was once in the "photo" making business? In 1975 -- 3 years after it's founding -- the young video game company launched the Compugraph Foto, a large coin-operated machine that snapped photos and printed them out as ASCII portraits. Subjects stood in front of a monitor showing their face and then pressed a series of buttons, triggering the 950-pound machine to print out the portrait as a 14x11-inch "photo" on computer paper.

Atari Joystick Shutter Release for Canon

Self-described creative technologist Thiago Avancini hacked this Atari 2600 joystick into a shutter release cable -- complete with an autofocus control for his Canon T2i. The controller is considerably larger than the average cable release or remote control, but it's a pretty nifty.