
Apple Releases Tear-Jerking ‘Shot on iPhone’ Ad for Mother’s Day

Can Apple make you cry and want to call your mom in 30 seconds? They're gonna try. In the latest addition to the Cupertino brand's famous 'Shot on iPhone' campaign, Apple has put together a touching montage of photos and videos or real moms that might just put your tear ducts to work.

New Apple Ad Touts the iPad as a Creative Powerhouse, Inspires Artists Everywhere

Say what you will about Apple -- and there are many people who have a lot of not-so-nice things to say -- but the company knows how to put together an ad. From the funny Mac vs. PC commercials of old to this year's Christmas advertisement that brought many to tears, Steve Jobs vision of standing at the intersection of liberal arts and technology is often brought to life by these ads.

Apple's newest commercial gives the iPad the same treatment -- showing the gadget being used for everything from photography to filmmaking while a monologue about poetry from the movie Dead Poets Society inspires you into a creative frenzy.