Historical Photos Show the Joy of Making Snowmen

With “once-in-a-lifetime” snow falling in unusual places like Louisiana and Florida, what better time to get out a selection of historic snowman photos for PetaPixel’s semi-regular feature: historical Fridays.
The splendid set of photos, taken between 1854 and 1950, have been curated by The Public Domain Review which describes photography as a gift to snowmen. “What can better freeze a scene and ensure that spring’s ablation never comes?” writes the online journal.

Back in 2016, what is thought to be the first ever photograph of a snowman was discovered in Wales, U.K. taken by Mary Dillwyn in 1853 who was not only the first-ever female photographer from Wales but was also related through marriage to William Henry Fox Talbot; one of the first people to discover photography.
Bob Eckstein, an American cartoonist and writer, is the world’s foremost historian of snowmen (yes, really). The Public Domain Review notes that in his book History of the Snowman, Eckstein reveals that the end of prohibition did wonders for the American snowman who “established his reputation as a fun drunk.”

If you’re looking for a set of photos to make you feel a little warmer then why not check out these photos from 1911 showing New Yorker struggling to cope in a heatwave.