Jan 17, 2017

Watch Popcorn Explode at 30,000fps Super Slow Motion

It's a well-known "fact of the Internet" that almost anything will look cool if you shoot it in super slow motion—the "Slow Mo Guys" have made quite a YouTube career out of it. But even if you're getting sick of the trend, watching popcorn pop at 30,000 fps will probably still delight.

Man Facing Jail Time for Knocking Woman Unconscious with Drone

Seattle seems to be the epicenter of drone-related mishaps this week. Just a few days after we shared the story of a man who ran his drone into the city's iconic space needle, another man has been convicted of reckless endangerment for knocking a woman unconscious when his drone fell out of the sky at a parade.

Capturing the Northern Lights from a Window Seat at 35,000ft

On New Year's Eve, you might think the people in Times Square were treated to the best light show... but you'd be wrong. Photographer Aryeh Nirenberg, enjoying a full row of seats on his flight from JFK to Reykjavik, Iceland, was treated to a more spectacular show.

The Paradox of Instagram

Without a doubt, Instagram is one of the most exciting social media platforms anywhere. It is now ranked the number two most active social media platform by number of users (just behind Facebook) with over 600 million participants.

First Impressions: My First Week with the Canon M5

It’s been a week now since I first got my Canon M5 and I can honestly say I’m in love. From its first announcement, I was intrigued by it, but I had the M3 and it seemed too soon to upgrade.

Photographing Frozen Baikal: The Deepest and Oldest Lake On Earth

Baikal is... impressive. It's the deepest and the cleanest lake on Earth. When we were planning our trip, we had no idea how wonderful, majestic, and fairy it would be. We were enraptured by its beauty, so much so that we almost didn't sleep all 3 days we were there.

3 Common Misconceptions About Your Camera’s Histogram

If you're obsessive about checking every exposure on your camera's histogram, this informative little video is a must-watch. In it, Matt Granger covers three common misconceptions about your camera's histogram that many photographers—even experienced shooters—might be falling prey to.

How to Create a Strong Focal Point and Manage Attention Inside Your Photos

Focal point is a term that photographers and photography blogs throw around continually. “Create a focal point,” it’s said, “it should be the first and last place the eye goes in your image.” That’s true, of course, but like most important things it’s easier said than done.

On the Fear of Photographing in Public

The joy of photographing on the street comes from close and engaging photos. Displaying the human nature and emotions in a way that the audience can relive these moments requires the photographer to be close and engaging as well. Unfortunately for a lot of us, it is not easy to stand out from the masses and overcome artificial social boundaries.

Living a Satisfying and Fulfilling Life Won’t Improve Your Photography

Recently, I have seen a number of misconceptions floating around regarding the best way to improve oneself as a photographer. As a highly experienced photographer whose photos have been on the bottom of the Flickr Explore page on numerous occasions, I feel qualified to correct many of these assumptions and damaging tendencies.