Facebook Moments App Adds Full-Res Photos and Web Links
Facebook is updating its Moments photo app to become more competitive in the world of hosting and sharing. The new version adds the ability to host full-resolution photos and share them over the Web.
As with its resized images, there is no storage limit for the full-res photos.
Another big change is the expansion of the app to the Web. Before this update, the app could only be used to share photos with family and friends through the app and through Facebook. Now, you can link anyone to your photos through the Web, allowing anyone to join in on your album and even to add their own shots.
This change allows photos to be used as a way to aggregate photos from people after social events. The feature shows up as a “Share Link” option when you tap the 3 dots in the bottom right corner of a moment.
You can download the latest version of Facebook Moments for free from the iTunes App Store and from Google Play.