A Slow-Mo Study of Las Vegas with an Infrared Sony RX100 IV

“Las Vegas In Infrared” is a new 4-minute short film by Philip Bloom, who visited Las Vegas with a Sony RX100 IV that had been modified for infrared photography through having its filter removed. Most of what you see was shot from a moving vehicle with 2 second bursts at 250fps through a 665nm filter.

“These are my experimentations and I find infrared fascinating,” Bloom writes. “This is creating, without sounding too pretentious, ‘art’. After all what is the point of art? For me it is to fulfill a creative desire in me and give me pleasure […] It is so different to what I am used to and gets my creative juices flowing. That is ‘why’!”


Bloom now owns 3 cameras that have been professionally modified to shoot infrared: a Sony RX100 II, a Canon 5D Mark III, and a Blackmagic 4K camera. He had the Sony modified specifically for its slow-motion capabilities, and he’s currently having a Sony A6300 modded as well.

Details regarding how the project was done can be found in this in-depth blog post.
