This Camera Start Shooting When You Smile


Want a camera that captures point-of-view video of the happiest moments in your life? Check out the Smile Camera.

The creation of artist Andrew Maxwell-Parish, it’s a helmet camera that is triggered by your smiles using sensors attached to your face. A mirror also extends into the frame to show your expressions in the captured video. Here’s a test of the camera:

“I’ve been interested in automatically capturing moments in time for a few years now,” writes Maxwell-Parish. “I find that trying to capture these moments result in pulling yourself out of the moment.” Instead of focusing on what it is you are experiencing, you are looking at your camera or phone and making sure it is recording.”

His goal is to use his camera creation to document his life experiences — the happy ones, at least.

“While the footage that I capture may not be overtly interesting, I’m curious to see how I feel about it 15+ years from now,” he says. As a demonstration of what the camera can capture, he used it while “hacking a baby doll toy” to amuse himself:

You can follow along with this project on Maxwell-Parish’s website and on YouTube.
