Hubble Space Telescope and Terra Satellite Images Used to Make Beautiful Silk Scarves
Here’s an interesting idea. Designer Celine Semaan Vernon enjoys looking at the freely available images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope and the Terra Satellite as much as anybody else, but she’s taken it a step further. She decided to use those images to create beautiful silk scarves through her company Slow Factory.
We’ve seen canvas prints, and metal prints, and wood prints, and all sorts of prints, but we’ve never heard of someone putting the Horsehead nebula or the Cat’s Eye nebula or an image of Sea Ice off of Eastern Greenland on silk they actually wear around.
Take a look for yourself:

To learn more about this idea or pick up a silk scarf for yourself or a loved one (they run between $80 and $200), head over to the Slow Factory website by clicking here.
(via Laughing Squid)