Photos and Video of ‘Ice Heaves’ Slowly Tearing Through Homes in Minnesota

Yesterday we shared some photos of the Sun Halo that kept New Yorkers pointing their cameras skyward most of the day. That phenomenon is both harmless and cool to look at. Unfortunately, the recent ice heaves — glacier-like lake ice that is pushed inland by strong winds — in Minnesota only fall into the second of those categories..

Due to slightly warmer temperatures and high winds over Lake Mille Lacs in Minnesota, massive sheets of ice known as “ice heaves” were pushed off of the lake, crawling like a slow-motion tsunami towards and through many of the properties bordering the lake.

The video above was taken by Darla Johnson, who watched as the sheet of ice made its way inland, damaging her friend’s townhome in the process

The photos and video are nothing short of incredible to watch, but the aftermath is another story all-together. According to KMSP in Minnesota, over half a dozen units were damaged by the ice, even after local authorities brought in bulldozers to try and keep the flowing heaves at bay.

Here is a slideshow courtesy of KMSP:

Head over to YouTube for more videos taken both during and after the 130,000 acres of ice on Lake Mille Lacs made its way to shore.

(via Laughing Squid)
