Time-Lapse Shows Sandy Battering NYC and the Lights Going Out
Want to see what New York City experienced over the past few days? Check out this time-lapse video by Silas Maniatis (SMvideoChan on YouTube). The photographs were captured by a camera mounted to the top of the building at 2 Northside Piers in Brooklyn and snapping away at 2 frames every minute, or 30 seconds between shots.
By the time the video ends at 2:30pm on Tuesday October 30th, 2012, the storm has mostly passed, leaving a large trail of destruction in its wake.
The blackout seen in the time-lapse is what photographer Randy Scott Slavin captured in his NYC Unplugged series of photos, which we featured earlier today.
(via Jalopnik via Laughing Squid)
Image credits: Video/stills by Silas Maniatis