Photographer Snaps a Million Photos Out His Window in Two Years
How creative could you be if you could only photograph through a single window your house? That’s the kind of self-limitation South Korean photographer Ahae placed on himself. His photography, titled Through My Window, features a million nature photographs captured over the past two years through a single window in his studio. He snaps a staggering 2,000 to 4,000 from his window every single day, rain or shine, documenting the story of the landscape and wildlife through that single point of view.
The artist says that his project has a theme of cherishing the nature around us:
Ahae’s aim is not just to produce wonderful photographs; he also wants to open everyone’s eyes to be able to see the wealth of life that is right there beside them if they just look out of the window. Capturing, as he does, the passing of time and the beauty of the nature surrounding him, the message Ahae broadcasts to the world as he exhibits his photographs comes through loud and clear: open your eyes, see the amazing and very precious natural world around you, and do whatever you can to protect it before it is too late. Ahae wishes to make people aware of their immediate surroundings. Today, there are many voices that cry out for awareness in regard to global warming and other environmental issues, but such matters are very difficult for individuals to embrace in their daily lives.
His project has been exhibited everywhere from the Louvre in Paris to the Grand Central Terminal in New York City.
You can check out Ahae’s collection of Through My Window photos over on his website. It’s amazing how diverse the photographs are, given that they were all taken from the same spot.
(via Photojojo)