The Beauty of Ballet Captured at 1000FPS Mar 26, 2012 Michael Zhang Here’s a stunning super slow motion video that shows Marina Kanno and Giacomo Bevilaqua of Staatsballett Berlin performing several jumps. The footage was captured at 1000 frames per second. Inspiration 1000fps, ballet, beauty, dancers, dancing, slowmo, slowmotion, superslowmo Related Articles What the Nikon D4’s 11FPS Looks Like When Captured at 1000FPS Sony RX100 IV Sample Shots at 100fps, 250fps, 500fps, and 1000fps This Epic 4K Film Captures the Beauty of Lightning at 1,000FPS Scientist Captures Incredible 1,000fps Close-Up of Ants Injecting Venom Discussion Load Comments Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.