Facebook Friend Profile Photos on Your Real Life Wall

The Friend Poster is a fun product product offered by grad student Benjamin Lotan through his new website PrintingFacebook. For $20, you’ll receive a 20 x 40 inch high-quality poster with thumbnails of the profile pictures of all your friends (works best for 200 to 2,200 friends). What’s neat is that the posters are created using a traditional photographic print process:

We use Fuji Crystal Archive photo paper in a RA-4 photochemical process. This means that we use a high-quality professional grade paper with real weight, it will not rip or fold easily. Because we expose your poster on to this paper and develop it in traditional photo chemicals, your print will have a richer image quality than any ink-jet printer process.

This product has been mentioned in quite a few places on the web today, so we’re not exactly sure how Lotan plans to fulfill all the orders, but the website is still accepting orders. Whether or not Facebook sends Lotan a cease-and-desist over the domain name or design that he picked is another story…
