Breathtaking Photorealistic CG Animation
Computer-generated animation has come a long way in recent years and has made films more and more realistic, from the photographic-technique effects in Pixar’s WALL-E, to the stunning landscapes in Avatar. The Third & The Seventh by Alex Roman is a great example of just how beautiful and realistic CG animations can be. It’s an artistic piece dealing with architecture and photography, and you’ll notice many camera techniques throughout the film.
Before I learned it was fully computer generated, I actually had no idea, and thought it was simply beautiful filming. The video is actually going viral, with over 200,000 views in the past two days. If you don’t believe it was CG, check out the following video, which is similar to a “behind-the-scenes” look into how some of the scenes were created:
There’s also a separate “making-of” video for a particular shot, if you’re interested.
Be sure to view it full screen for maximum effect, and be ready to be blown away!