Photomatix Giveaway Winners!


A big thank you to everyone who participated in our latest giveaway and shared your favorite photographers with us. We received 191 comment and tweet entries this time (a new record!), and I’ll share the results of the question in a bit.

The winners of a free Photomatix Pro Plus license, chosen using a random number generator, are:

#9: Max Vernon (@max_vernon)

my favorite photographer:

#14: riNux (@riNux)

My Favorite Photographer is Joe McNally @JoeMcNallyPhoto #Petapixel #Photomatix

Congratulations! Please drop me an email at [email protected] to claim your prizes.

A big thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway, and to all our loyal readers! We have a lot more awesome stuff lined up to be given away, so be sure to check back soon!

Now, onto the results of the question, “Who is your favorite photographer?”. The top three responses we received were:

  1. Ansel Adams (24 people)
  2. Joe McNally (6 people)
  3. Sam Javanrouh (4 people)

I never would have guessed that Ansel Adams would have been the overwhelming favorite, and found that pretty interesting.
