Study Reveals Which States Take the Most #DrivingSelfies


The Auto Insurance Center used Instagram hashtags to put together another study about people and driving. Last time, they tackled road rage, this time, they wanted to see where people take the most selfies while driving.

In all, the study parsed 70,000 different Instagram posts with hashtags like #hopeidontcrash, #drivingselfie, and #selfiewhiledriving, combining that info with geotagging data to find out in which states people were most likely to risk their lives by taking a picture while driving.


They also looked at the age range most likely to use the hashtags, and even put all their data into an interactive map that shows a little blip every time and place a driving selfie was posted over the past 5 years—that last one is particularly scary, because you get to see just how much the posts have increased.

All the findings are worth taking a look at… unless you’re easily freaked out by statistics that imply you might be crashed into any second by someone snapping a #drivingselfie.

On the other hand, if you’re one of the people posting these, it goes without saying that you should stop immediately and reconsider your life choices. No Instagram photo is worth the hashtag #ihopeidontcrash.
