Photographer Loses Life’s Work After Burglars Steal 21 Hard Drives


Oakland-based photographer Jennifer Little had her home broken into last week, and her loss was devastating. In addition to stealing 8 of her cameras, the burglars also took 21 hard drives containing Little’s life’s work as a professional photographer.

KBCW reports that those irreplaceable hard drives contained roughly 70,000 digital photos from the 10 years of professional work Little has done since she got her M.F.A. degree from the University of Texas in 2005.

There’s one tiny bit of good news, though: Little had a huge stroke of luck and got one of her precious cameras back yesterday. While walking through a flea market at the Oakland Coliseum stadium, she stumbled across the stolen camera along with four of her lenses.

But those 21 hard drives are still missing. Little is now posting flyers around her neighborhood, hoping that the burglars will return the drives for a reward (with “no questions asked,” Little says).

Back in July, this same thing happened to renowned Montreal-based photojournalist Jacques Nadeau, who lost his entire life’s work when burglars broke into his house and stole 5 hard drives.

Just remember: if you back up your work on multiple hard drives in your home or office, you may be protected from drive failures, but you could still easily lose all your photos to theft or a fire. You should use an off-site backup and/or cloud storage if you’d like to make sure this nightmare doesn’t happen to you.

Image credits: Video and still frame by KBCW/CBS San Francisco
